Belgachia escorts work in various settings, including private residences, hotels and resorts, nightclubs and other nightlife establishments, spas and massage parlors, and on-premise locations at casinos. They may travel to the client's homes or workplaces on occasion. Most escorts advertise their services through classified ads in newspapers and online dating sites. These advertisements typically include a fee schedule and information about possible appointments.
Some agencies also offer temporary companionship through online chat rooms or personal profiles. Some escorts provide services at their own expense; others are part of an independent escort agency in Belgachia that arranges for clients to meet the Belgachia escorts at an agreed-upon location. Escorts are frequently told that they are attractive to men. The idea of being attractive is often linked to success in life, and escorts must work hard to be attractive and successful. They wear makeup, striking clothes, and jewelry to create an image that matches their client's high expectations.
A large portion of escort ads in the Sunday paper include pictures of the escorts in addition to information about them. They often purchase new clothing articles every few days or weeks; some spend considerable money on cosmetics, hair styling, and jewelry. Escorts in Belgachia may spend significant time showering or beautifying themselves before clients arrive at their homes or offices for an appointment.